Saturday, December 11, 2010

Things I am going to Love about China: 4 of 100

Chinese Walmart

There are actually very few countries in the world with a Walmart, so needless to say I can't get my 'Mart on here in Kazakhstan.

But things are about to change! Walmart-China offers a variety of items not found in the USofA. Such as alligators, turtles, frogs, pig-faces, ducks, and even anti-bacterial-bikini-underwear for men!

Now I know what some of you are thinking, "Walmart is Evil". But imagine trying to live in a country where you can't buy your TV-Dinner in the same store where you buy your pantyhose. Where you can't buy your new car tires in the same store where you buy your baby crib (Especially when the Tire Store is on the other side of the city of the Baby-Crib Store).

Check out more here!

1 comment:

  1. Very fun post, I had to go to the link, which extended the fun. I hope you enjoy China as much or more than you anticipate! I can't wait to hear the 94 other reasons you're looking forward to it.
